Homework Assignments

Chapter 2 Quiz Review

a.  key terms and definitions
b.  energy transfer in ecosystems: trophic levels, food pyramids and food chains
c.  Biogeochemical cycles: carbon cycle, atmospheric carbon 
d.  Photosynthesis and cellular respiration
e.  Biomes: characteristic abiotic and biotic features

Ecology Home Assignment

Please download and read the following documents:

A.  The lynx and snowshoe hare article and questions: DOCUMENT LINK

                **the formatting may not appear appropriately when viewed online--please                 download and view as a word file.
B: Helpful background information and graphing example:  DOCUMENT LINK
C: Additionally, you may try this interactive that allows you to manipulate predator-prey data for the lynx and hare: INTERACTIVE LINK

*I would like to include this as a MARKED EVALUATION before the end of term if possible.. I


Exam Preparation and Organization:  Click Here

Current Electricity Test: Thursday December 12th, 2013

Chapter 12: Electrical Energy Production
  • portable forms of electrical energy (12.3)
  • Generating Electricity: Renewable and Non renewable sources (12.4 and 12.5)
How is electricity formed, and SPECIFIC PROS AND CONS OF EACH
    • Traditional
      • Fossil Fuels
      • Nuclear
      • Hydropower
    • Alternative
      • Solar
      • Wind
      • Biomass
      • Geothermal
      • Tidal
  • Energy use and efficiency (12.7)
    • Energuide and Energy Star
    • Calculations
      • Percent Efficiency
      • Energy Use (in kWh)
      • Energy Cost

Chapter 13: Describing Circuits

  • Schematic circuit diagrams (13.1)
  • Quantities:
    • Current: description, safety, measurement, units (13.3)
    • Potential difference: Description, measurement, units (13.5)
    • Resistance: Descriptions, factors affecting resistance, Ohm's Law (13.7 and 13.9)
    • *Solving for R, V and I (13.9)
    • Solving in Parallel and Series circuits (13.10 + worksheets!)

Review Questions
Ch. 12 self quiz (544):  1-15, 17, -20, 21-24

ch. 13 review (580): 1-21, 23-26, 27

**Bring a calculator, pencil, pen etc to test! Be prepared!!


November 26th, 2013 Make a Decision Assignment  

Click Here for: Stationary Power Sources: Class information

Static Electricity Quiz: Tuesday November 26th, 2013

  • conductors and insulators
  • methods of charging
    • friction
    • conduction
    • induction
      • permanent and temporary
  • applications of static electricity: technology, lightning
  • **Examples, and diagrams
  • FOCUS ON summary for study notes
  • CHAPTER 11 Self quiz for practice questions!

TEST REVIEW: Chapter 8,9, 10 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13th, 2013

Unit review questions:  pg 448 #1,2,6-9,11,12,14-21,23-25,27-36, 39-47, 50-51, 53-57
Chapter 8: Our solar system
Celestial bodies in our solar system
The Sun: parts and effects on Earth
Moon phases
Phenomenon on Earth and related celestial motion
Uses of satellites and constellations

Chapter 9: Beyond our solar system
Space Math: distance conversions and scientific notation
Characteristics of stars: luminosity, colour, H-R diagram, mass and temperature, composition
Life cycle of stars (small vs medium vs large vs massive)
Origins of the solar system and origins of the universe
Evidence for the big bang theory

Chapter 10: Exploring Space
Challenges to space travel
Space technologies and spin offs
Space Probes
Canadian contributions to space exploration

Shih Quiz Review: Friday November 8th, 2013

(Section 9.1, 9.2, 9.4)

Pg. 400 #1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, ,22, 24, 25, 31

Chapter 11

November 1st, 2013

section 9.4 questions 1-4, 6,7, 9, 10

Key review points from chapter 8

1.  Models of the solar system (8.1)
2.  components of the solar system (8.1 and 8.3)
3.  Distances WITHIN our solar system (km and AU)
4.  Phenomena related to celestial motion (8.5!)
5.  The sun:  parts, and effects on earth (8.2)
6.  Constellations: interpretations and applications (8.6)

Chapter 8 review questions: page 357 #2-9, 11-16, 17-21, 23, 25, 29

By now you should have completed...
8.1-8.3, 8.5, 8.6 and 8.11! 

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